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New Age Kurling Bowls Set

A set of nine bowls and a target, contained in a branded bag.

New Age Kurling House Target

A durable 120cm square target mat that can be used for a range of sports, including New Age Kurling or bowls. Aim for the centre of the target to get the most points.

New Age Kurling Numbered Target

A numbered target mat that can be used with New Age Kurling, bowls or boccia.

New Age Kurling Ramp

A fibreglass ramp to allow players to shoot kurling stones from a seated position rested on their knees, ideal for wheelchair users. This ramp is 1770cm x 26cm in size and weighs 3kg.

New Age Kurling Scoreboard

To help you keep score of all your New Age Kurling games.

New Age Kurling Scoring Wedge

A plastic foam wedge covered in vinyl sheet with random scoring holes.

New Age Kurling Set

New Age Kurling is a version of curling that can be played indoors on any smooth, flat surface, such as a sports hall. This set contains eight (four red, four blue) New Age Kurling stones in a carrycase.

New Age Kurling Slider Target

A target mat that can be used with all New Age Kurling sports.

New Age Kurling Telescopic Pushers

A pair of adjustable plastic pushers with telescopic handles that can be used to release or collect kurling stones. They are 83-126cm in length.

New Age Sports - The Edge Target

This target adds a new spin to the traditional targets for Kurling and Bowls.

New Age Sports Boccia Pushers

A pair of aluminium and plastic pushers with telescopic handles.

New Age sports Sensory sound Boccia set

Sensory Boccia allows visually impaired players to hear the ball. In every other panel each ball has a small mirrored shield covering holes concealing a bell so the ball can be heard.