
Here you can find our key governance documentation. This includes the terms of reference for our Board and sub-committees along with our annual report and financial statements.


As an organisation which receives public funding through Sport England, we are required to comply with A Code for Sports Governance (the "Code").

The Code includes a set of mandatory requirements across five principles of good governance: structure, people, communication, standards and conduct, and policies and processes.

The Code was updated in December 2021 to include seven new requirements.

Following submissions of evidence in 2023, Youth Sport Trust received formal notification from Sport England in February 2025, confirming our compliance with the Code (Tier 3). This encompasses all Requirements, including 2.1-2.3, which were managed separately through the independent Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan ("DIAP") review process.

Achieving good governance is an ongoing commitment, reflected in Tactic 6 of our strategy, “Change from within by increasing our impact on, connection with, and relevance to, a changing world”, under which our governance work sits.

The terms of reference (TOR) for our Board of Trustees/Directors and its two sub-committees are also available to view on the right-hand side of this page along with our Annual Report and Financial Statements, which includes our Annual Governance Statement.

Please click on any of the adjacent links to open the full documents.

Quality Management System

Our Quality Management System has been independently assessed and is compliant with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, for the following scope of activities: Design and delivery of resources, programmes, training, and support to improve the provision of physical education and sport opportunities.

ISO9001 Quality Management logo

Some of our standard policies are available to view on the right-hand side of this page.

Cyber Essentials certified