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The PE Life Skills Award

Recognise and reward students for the development of life skills in and through PE.

Active 30:30

Our Active 30:30 resource helps schools reduce sedentary behaviour and increase physical activity in young people outside of timetabled curriculum PE.

Athlete Mentor visit

Our world-class athletes can visit your school to help tackle young people’s declining emotional wellbeing and resilience while also inspiring their attitudes to learning.

Boccia Ball Set

One set of 13 boccia balls contained in a Youth Sport Trust-branded bag.

Boccia Individual Ball: Three Colours

One boccia ball sized 27.5cm in circumference, blue, white, or red in colour.

Governor Trustee Toolkit - Digital Copy

This digital toolkit supports the strategic leadership of governing boards by identifying how high-quality PE, school sport and physical activity can promote and improve the health, wellbeing and wider educational outcomes of pupils in schools.

Healthy Movers Home Pack

Designed to help parents support children aged two to five to develop balance, movement and object control.

Healthy Movers Toolkit

A toolkit for practitioners in Early Years settings to complement the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.

Healthy Movers Wall Chart

A giant wallchart using the Early Years Physical Literacy Framework to map children’s competencies against their age and stage of development.

Lightweight aluminium Multi-Sport Wheelchair

Designed in the UK in collaboration between RMA Sport and the Youth Sport Trust this wheelchair features multiple seat widths with an ergonomic 2"/50mm cushion depth, height adjustable canvas back rest, vertical and horizonal footrest and adjustable rear anti-tipper for safety, comfort and maximum flexibility. Lightweight with quick release wheels which make it easy to transport.

My Personal Best

Hard copy and digital resources for teachers and pupils and a range of training options specific to your phase will support you, wherever you are on your journey to a life skills PE curriculum.

New Age Kurling Bowls Ramp

A ramp to enable players of New Age Bowls to shoot from a seated position with the ramp rested on their knees. Ideal for wheelchair users.