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Inclusive Youth Leadership

The Inclusive Youth Leadership project, previously known as Step into Sport, is available for all Lead Inclusion Schools to apply for. It provides an opportunity to directly extend provision and establish new regular inclusive sport clubs/unified sport activities led by young people for young people with and without SEND to support a richer school day for all.


What’s involved: We are seeking 20 schools to deliver this project who will work closely with schools in their county to provide more leadership opportunities for young SEND changemakers. This year there will be a strong focus on youth voice, co-creation and leadership pathways being paved.

The project will include the delivery of inclusive youth leadership opportunities using blended approaches to best suit the needs of schools and young people. As a result, it can be positioned to meet local needs, having greater impact countywide through engaging more schools and young people with and without SEND. It will be measured by evaluating the number of schools/units engaging the school sport workforce on inclusive practice. It will also involve working with a local young role model(s) to support the inclusive youth leadership offer and increasing the number of teachers/school staff involved in the delivery of inclusive youth leadership. See the full details in the programme guidance document found on this page.

Outcomes: The project aims to increase the number of young people with and without SEND involved in inclusive youth leadership opportunities, ensuring that a minimum of 50% are young people with SEND and aged 14-16years. Through this, the project will help to increase the skills and confidence of the young people as well as the PE and sport workforce to be more inclusive. Our collective vision is to ensure that every young person is provided with an offer that is inspiring, accessible, and meaningful by developing their life skills.

For your school to take part in this programme you must meet the following eligibility criteria:

·       Existing Lead Inclusion School

Duration: Upon acceptance to the programme, you will remain involved until the end of the 2024/25 academic year. The deadline for expressions of interest is 14 June 2024.

Find out more: about our SEND Inclusion programmes on our website – click here. To find out more about our broader commitment to inclusion - click here.