Her Majesty was an example to us all. She lived a life of duty and responsibility and devoted herself to the people she served. She was also a mother, grandmother and great grandmother and we send our heartfelt condolences to the Royal Family during this time.
We understand this may be an emotional and sad time for those we support and work with. The Queen was a champion for children and personally connected with sport and the outdoors. We encourage our networks to draw on her example, and the power of sport for good during this difficult time to help children feel better and manage emotions. For young people who may be finding this period of mourning hard, further guidance can be found through Winston’s Wish or Place2Be.
The Youth Sport Trust offices will be closed on Monday 19 September for the funeral of HM Queen Elizabeth II. This is a time for reflection and unity from which I hope we all emerge kinder, more connected and aware of the difference we can all make in the world.
Alison Oliver MBE
Chief Executive