Youth Takeover

This summer, the Youth Sport Trust is handing over the reins to young people across the UK, so they can tell us their thoughts on what needs to change so that every young person can find a place to belong in sport.

At the Youth Summit in July, we asked young people from across the UK to tell us their views on topics ranging from representation in sport to the barrier young people face in accessing sport, and importantly what leaders in sport can do to make a change.

Hear what they had to say below, and follow along with the conversation on our social channels #YouthSportTakeover.

Why is representation in sport important?

What barriers do you face accessing sport? 


What does Youth Voice mean to you?


What can young leaders do to influence others to take part in sport?


Have you ever experienced any issues with gender equality in schools?


If you could ask leaders in sport to change one thing, what would it be?


Youth Summit

In July 2023, over 80 young people from across the UK joined us at the Youth Sport Trust Youth Summit to lead the development of a series of Calls to Action for all leaders and young leader in sport.

The Calls to Action centred around 3 themes of:

Click the links above to find out more about each theme.

Soon we'll be launching a new film which explains the Calls to Action developed at summit and what we need sport leaders to do about them. Again keep an eye on our social channels as we launch this over the summer.

We’re recruiting for the Youth Sport Trust Youth Board

If you’re a young person who is passionate about sport and play and levelling the playing field for all, we want to hear from you.

We are looking to recruit up to 10 new youth board members aged between 16-24 years old from anywhere in the UK.

We are looking for Youth Board members who are passionate about youth development, committed to promoting the values of the Youth Sport Trust, and eager to contribute their ideas and perspectives.

Find out more here.

Published on 31 July 2023