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Supporting Girls with Autism

Developed by the Youth Sport Trust Lead Inclusion School network, Supporting girls with Autism is a digital, audio and practical toolkit that builds upon knowledge of girls with autism spectrum conditions (ASC) and some of the key considerations for making PE and sport inclusive to all.

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TOP Sportsability

TOP Sportsability is an online resource for schools and offers practical advice to teachers, learning support staff, and other sports practitioners. It consists of video clips and downloadable content showing ideas and strategies to support the inclusion of young disabled people in physical activity and is divided into five areas.

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TOP Sportsability Elements

Within the TOP Sportsability resource there is a module called Elements. Elements is a resource for young people with profound and multiple learning difficulties. The resource follows four themes which are based on national curriculum PE areas of activity that have been adapted to suit the needs of your child.

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This Girl Can

Funded by Sport England, we’ve created this secondary school resource to help you support girls to create change in your school through developing and leading a This Girl Can campaign.

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Unified Action - Diversifying - Sports Governance Framework

Created to build inclusive cultures within NGBs and deepen understanding about the barriers young people face in sport governance.

Free resource

Well Schools - Wellbeing Resources

Well Schools aims to help improve education outcomes by placing wellbeing at its very heart to support school staff, senior leaders and young people. It isn't a programme, quality mark or intervention; it's all of us coming together to drive change, share challenges and solutions and help find support.

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Youth Voice Resources

Youth Voice is about actively seeking the views of young people to understand their experiences and perspectives and involving them meaningfully in making and enacting decisions about topics that affect them.