
The Youth Sport Trust has a proud record of delivering events and activities for thousands of children, young people, and adults every year. Providing a safe, friendly, and enjoyable experience which puts the welfare and wellbeing of everyone engaging with our charity at the heart of everything we do.

Every child and adult who participates in sport has the right to feel secure and be safe whilst experiencing a spirit of adventure, fun, excitement and a sense of belonging.

Youth Sport Trust
Youth Sport Trust

Safeguarding children, young people and adults

We believe all children, young people, and adults have the right to be engaged and inspired by sport, play, and physical activity in a safe, inclusive, secure environment and be protected from harm. Unlocking the voices of children, young people and adults is critical to ensuring all our policies, procedures, programme development and delivery puts their voice at the heart of everything we do. We recognise the importance of listening to the challenges and experiences children, young people and adults are facing in their lives. This helps us work towards our strategy to build back healthier, happier, and more resilient young people and adults, helping to create a level playing field for those in our society most disadvantaged.

Our safeguarding policies, procedures and guidance reflects our statutory responsibilities, legislation and government guidance and complies with best practice and the requirements of the Charity Commission, NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit Standards for Safeguarding Children, Ann Craft Trust Safeguarding Adults in Sport Framework and the ISO9001 quality management system.

Everyone at the Youth Sport Trust (YST) has a responsibility and a role to play in safeguarding children, young people, and adults ensuring it sits at the heart of everything we do from the activities and events we directly deliver to those where we deliver with our partner organisations. We actively encourage and promote our safeguarding policy, procedures, and good practice guidance to everyone involved in all our activities and events.

Code of Ethics and Conduct

The YST Code of Ethics and accompanying Codes of Conduct provides the standards of behaviour expected of everyone involved with our charity. They should be read in conjunction and apply to everyone taking part in our activities and events whether you are a participant or working in a paid or voluntary role with children, young people and adults.

They allow YST to uphold our values of trust, integrity, responsibility, inclusion, courage, and collaboration across all areas of our work. Everyone involved in YST is encouraged to play their part in ensuring all aspects of our work are inclusive and welcoming for all.

Our Code of Ethics and Codes of Conduct can be found to the right-hand side of this webpage.

Reporting a safeguarding or welfare concern

In a medical emergency or if you believe a child, young person or adult has been harmed or is at risk of harm you should contact the emergency services immediately on 999.

If it is not an emergency, please report your concerns to the YST Lead or Deputy Safeguarding Officer by calling 01509 462963 or by email at [email protected]  (available Monday to Friday 9am-5pm).

If you are attending a YST event or activity, please report your concerns to the Designated Safeguarding Lead for the event or activity.

The roles and responsibilities of the YST staff safeguarding team and our safeguarding referrals flowchart can be found can be found on the links section to the right-hand side of this webpage.

Wherever possible, any report should be made in writing using the YST Safeguarding Incident Report Form. If information requested in the form is not known or available to you please record and refer immediately everything you know. Never delay sending in this form to try and search for missing information.

The Safeguarding Incident Report Form link can be found on the links section to the right-hand side of this webpage.

If you are concerned about a child or young person under the age of 18 you can contact the NSPCC Child Protection Helpline by calling 0800 800 5000 or by contacting [email protected]

YST Safeguarding Policy, Procedures and Guidance

At the right-hand side of this webpage, you will find links to all our safeguarding policies, associated policies, procedures, guidance and useful contacts.