Girls Active


Girls Active is our commitment to fostering girls' participation in PE, sport and physical activity. The programme aims to tackle the barriers girls experience and through cultivating a movement of girls and young women, empower them to take positive action through influencing, leading, and inspiring their peers.

The framework of Girls Active has six key principles that underpin effective practice in engaging girls to be physically active. These have positive relationships at their core and should be supported by whole school policies and practice.

1. Take a long-term approach to engaging girls

2. Put developing self-confidence at the heart of PE

3. Make PE and sport relevant to girls lives

4. Recognise the power of friends to drive progress

5. Develop role models for the future

6. Empower girls to design and deliver PE and sport.

Evidence of Need

By age 7, girls are already less active than boys and this disparity widens as they move from childhood into adolescence. Adolescent girls are more likely to experience barriers to participation than boys with the biggest drop-off occurring during the transition from primary to secondary school.

At this time there are multiple factors that affect girls’ participation including disruption to friendship groups, the onset of puberty and declining body confidence and the increasing need to ‘fit in’ and be accepted amongst their peers.

You can find out more about girls participation in sport here. Or, read the latest national research reports, published in October 2024 here.

Did you know?

Across all ages, fewer girls (45%) meet physical activity recommendations compared with boys (50%) (Sport England, 2022)
Of girls who were physically active in primary school, 43% no longer felt that way once reaching secondary school (Women in Sport, 2022)
Concerns or being self-conscious about their appearance often stops girls (37%) taking part in fun activities (Girlguiding, 2023)

Impact to Date

Girls Active has been delivered in over one-thousand primary and secondary schools since 2015 and has proven effective at increasing girls’ engagement, enjoyment and participation in PE, school sport and physical activity.

Through addressing the barriers experienced, the programme helps girls feel more confident and motivated to participate. Girls undertaking leadership roles in the programme see even greater improvements across a range of measures.

Wider benefits are also seen, such as engagement at school and preparedness for the future.

View our Girls Active case studies here or scroll down for more about our impact.

I have learnt that being a female role-model can influence other females to have faith and believe in themselves. It really doesn't matter the shape or size of anyone's body, everyone is equal and can do the same things as others can do.

Girls Active leader
Girls Active leader

Engagement with PE and sport

  • 97% of leaders and 58% of participants feel more confident to take part in sport and physical activity
  • 90% of leaders and 61% of participants reported increased enjoyment of taking part in sport and physical activity
  • 89% of leaders and 62% of participants feel more motivated to take part in sport and physical activity.

Perception and body image

  • 68% of leaders and 51% of participants feel more confident about what their body can do
  • 71% of leaders and 50% of participants feel more able to be themselves while being active
  • 82% of leaders and 55% of participants have an improved perception of how good they are at sport and physical activity.

How PE and sport makes girls feel

  • 79% of leaders and 55% of participants said the way they feel when taking part in sport and physical activity has improved
  • 79% of leaders and 47% of participants feel happier
  • 82% of leaders and 62% of participants feel more resilient.

Wider benefits

  • 79% of leaders and 54% of participants feel more engaged at school
  • 79% of leaders and 40% of participants agreed that Girls Active has helped them feel more ready for the future.

Data from schools engaged in Girls Active programme gathered through an independent evaluation of Girls Active undertaken by Sport Industry Research Centre (SIRC) at Sheffield Hallam University, July 2023.

Read the latest reports in full here.

Above all, the girls now recognise that their voice is valued and that we have their needs and interests at our heart. Where once they were reluctantly ‘compliant’ in PE, now they are taking an active interest in its delivery and enthused about what they want to do.

Girls Active lead teacher
Girls Active lead teacher

Parents and carers: supporting girls to be active

Positive early experiences matter

As a parent or carer, you play a key role in helping girls and young women get active and stay active. Evidence from our PE & School Sport report highlights the many benefits of physical activity - helping young people become healthier, happier, and more focused.

However, fewer than one in five children (ages 0-5) in the UK are moving enough to stay healthy, and in England, over 30% of children are overweight or obese by age five. Research from Women in Sport also reveals that, as early as five years old, many girls already feel they don’t belong in sport.

Encouraging and supporting girls to be active from a young age can have a lasting impact, helping them build confidence and enjoyment that continues into adolescence and adulthood.

Girls Active image

Understanding the barriers in adolescence

As girls grow, their motivations and needs change—particularly through puberty and adolescence. The biggest drop in participation happens during the transition from primary to secondary school, when many girls face challenges such as:

  • Changes to friendship groups
  • Puberty and declining body confidence
  • Pressure to ‘fit in’ and be accepted by peers

Women in Sport’s Reframing Sport for Teenage Girls highlights key insights on what’s stopping girls from taking part and how we can better support them.

Further support and resources

Looking for ways to encourage and support your daughter to be active? These resources can help:

Contact Us

If you would like to find out more about this programme then get in touch with us today.

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