Leadership Development Programme for PE leaders – Recruitment Pack

The recent Active Lives Children and Young People survey shows, that in the past year, there has been little change to the activity levels of young people within England, and inactivity levels remain persistently high. Equally, there are significant inequalities that remain in participation, with Black and Asian children and young people still less likely to play sport or be physically active than the average across all ethnicities.

The Youth Sport Trust (YST) are striving to play our part in equipping educators to level up life chances of young people who are suffering from the effect of inequalities, as we believe educators are key role models for young people.

We recently asked educators who work closely with us to provide us with characteristic information and it is clear that we need to be more ambitious in achieving greater diversity of the role models in education that we work with.

We are committed to making a change and included in our intentions is an opportunity for Physical Education leaders from ethnic diverse communities to take part in a leadership developmental programme, which has the following key outcomes:

  1. Strengthening ethnic diversity in the PE leadership profession
  2. Further enhance attendees’ leadership and decision making in PE, school sport and physical activity
  3. Provide a space for sharing learning and networking
  4. Work with YST to ensure the support of the charity is better positioned to support educators from ethnically diverse communities.

The Leadership Development Programme

A tailored CPD programme led and supported by industry experts, consisting of:

  • A series of workshop sessions co-delivered by YST experts and equality organisations across the 2024-25 academic year
  • Opportunities for attendees to work collaboratively, provide mutually beneficial support and mentoring with other PE leaders from across the country
  • Opportunities for attendees to take part in regional and national networking
  • A funded place at the YST National Conference.

Attendees will be encouraged to have a specific line of inquiry they are keen to follow through in their settings.

To ensure the workshop content is appropriate and engaging for attendees, we will co-create the titles and synopsis of the workshops with attendees. Types of workshops that could be delivered are:

  • Exploring the inequalities that exist for children and young people from ethnically diverse communities in physical activity
  • PE Leadership specific (e.g. Physical Literacy, Ofsted, PE and Sport Premium reporting, Youth Voice)
  • Advocacy and Influencing
  • Providing Equal Opportunities
  • Parental Engagement.

The workshops will be facilitated by Youth Sport Trust Experts, alongside current Physical Education leaders from ethnic diverse communities.


Submission of an application indicates that:

Applicants are available to attend all the workshop dates (reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed):

    • Tuesday 19 November 2024
    • Tuesday 21 January 2025
    • Tuesday 26 March 2025
    • Wednesday 14 May 2025
    • Thursday 10 July 2025

The first workshop will be held in Loughborough with the remaining locations of further workshops agreed with attendees on 19 November.

Applicants will commit to building a ‘Communities of Experience’ network in their locality for other PE leaders from ethnic diverse communities to disseminate learnings from the development programme.


Potential attendees are invited to submit an expression of interest which needs to be supported by their Headteacher/Principal.

Leadership Development Programme for PE leaders – Application

We are seeking to invite 15 people onto the programme, however increased numbers can be accommodated if the initial interest is high.


  • Monday 21 October - Recruitment Closes
  • Monday 28 October - Applicants informed of decision
  • Tuesday 19 November - First workshop

Supporting Partners

The professional development programme will be ‘supported’ by organisations that are champions of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in our school system. Some of the supporting partners will attend the workshops to provide a spotlight on their organisations.

  • Adrian Rollins – Head of School, Heath Park School and member of Black Men Teach and BAMEed
  • Albert Adeyemi – Co Founder, Black Men Teach and PE Teacher/Head of Year at Bedford Academy
  • Eugene Dwaah – CEO, The Evolution Sports Group & Education
  • Farhan Adam - Headteacher at Crown Hills Community College
  • Dr Irfan Khawaja – Senior Lecturer in Physical Education, Birmingham City University
  • Jermaine Coleman – Assistant Vice Principal, Greig City Academy
  • Justin Jose - Physical Education Lead at Cubitt Town Junior School and PE CatalYST
  • Mo Jafar - Senior Lecturer in Sport, PE and Development, University of East London
  • Paul Mundy - Castle
  • Sahiba Majeed – PE Teacher, Jack Hunt School and Marketing and Insights Lead, Muslim Sports Foundation
  • Dr Shrehan Lynch – Associate Professor in Sport, University of East London
  • Zahara Chowdhury – Associate, Diverse Educator and EDI Business Partner at Buckinghamshire New University.