Youth Voice Resources

Youth Voice is about actively seeking the views of young people to understand their experiences and perspectives and involving them meaningfully in making and enacting decisions about topics that affect them.

We want to provide – and support our partners to provide – PE, school sport and physical activity opportunities that are meaningful and enjoyable for all young people. Youth Voice is an essential tool to achieving this as it enables us to seek, listen and respond to the voices of young people who are underserved and/or who have low levels of participation.

Example of our Youth Voice activities:

  • Our Youth Board are advisors on the direction of our work, influencers of our initiatives, and our representatives with key decision makers. The chair of the Youth Board is also a trustee on the Youth Sport Trust Board.
  • The 2023 Youth Summit (pictured) brought together 100 young people who were recruited through partnership working to ensure diverse representation. The group designed three calls to action for the whole of the PE and school sport sector.
  • Unified Action - Diversifying Sports Governance is a research project to diversify sports governance and build inclusive cultures within National Governing Bodies of Sport. It is led by eight young changemakers from ethnically diverse communities and underrepresented groups, who are empowered to lead the research through youth voice.
  • Young people co-designed the Youth Voice Plan (see below).

You can read a range of detailed youth voice case studies here.

Youth Voice Summit image

Youth Voice Plan

During the 2023/24 academic year, we worked with groups of young people to co-design a youth voice plan which outlines the principles underpinning meaningful youth voice. The plan outlines our priorities for how we will embed youth voice across Youth Sport Trust and how we will support the PE and school sport network to embed youth voice in their work. This will guide our work over the next three years. Download below.


Youth Voice Toolkit

A comprehensive Youth Voice Toolkit is currently under development and will be made available on this page during summer term 2024. This will include case studies, videos, guidance, youth voice activities and templates. This will be in addition to the Inclusion Youth Voice Toolkit which details how to run inclusive focus groups.

An example of one of the Youth Voice Toolkit resources is available below where you can download three Activity Cards showing activities which can be done to facilitate young people’s views.


Looking for more support?

For more information on youth voice at Youth Sport Trust, please get in touch.

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