Unified Action - Diversifying Sports Governance Framework

Unified Action was a 12-month pilot research project, concluding in March 2024, which was created to diversify sports governance and build inclusive cultures within National Governing Bodies of Sport.

Led by eight young changemakers (aged 18-25), the project brought together ethnically diverse communities and underrepresented groups and empowered them to lead the research through youth voice.

As a result, they developed a framework, created to build inclusive cultures within NGBs and deepen understanding about the barriers young people face in sport governance.

Access the framework


Meet the Changemakers:

As Changemakers we are motivated to have our voices heard to tackle the racism we have experienced in our own lives to bring about long-term change, educating others to increase the voice of under-represented young people from ethnically diverse communities.

Pictured left-to-right: (Top Row) Serena, Geoffrey, Emily, Jordan; (Bottom Row) Jonathon, Doaa, Lipa; (Not Pictured) Dylan.

Unified Action changemakers group photo

Partners and funders:

Funded by the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, delivered by Youth Sport Trust in partnership with Sporting Equals, 2-3 Degrees, Golf Foundation, England Golf, Swim England and Paddle UK (formerly British Canoeing).

Unified Action partner logos

Impact Videos

Paddle UK




