Summary of the Conservatives Manifesto

With the General Election moving closer each day, this week will see most political parties releasing their manifestos, putting forward their vision of what they aspire to deliver if they form the next government.

Earlier today, Rishi Sunak launched the Conservative Party’s manifesto in front of the Cabinet at Silverstone. Our latest manifesto summary covers the key points within it for children and young people, and physical activity.



The Conservative’s manifesto includes a commitment to mandate two hours of PE every week in primary and secondary schools – at present, this is only recommended practice. Delivery of this would be supported by extending the PE and Sport Premium to include secondary schools as well as primary schools.

Alongside this, the party plans to increase funding to School Games Organisers to increase competitive sport in and between schools, in addition to working with sporting bodies to create more UK-wide school competitions, like the National Finals, to identify the best sporting talents.

Under the Conservative’s proposals, children would receive a broad and enriched education during and after-school, including via Music Hubs. Mental Health Support Teams would be expanded to cover all schools and colleges in England, up from 50% at present. New legislation would give parents a right to see what children are being taught in schools and existing guidance around banning mobile phones in the school day would be put on a statutory footing.

Ambitions to expand the recruitment and retention of teachers would include financial bonuses for new teachers in priority areas and key STEM and technical subjects. To support the education of children with special educational needs, the party wants to provide an additional 60,000 school places and 15 new free schools for children with special educational needs.


Children, young people and wellbeing

As part of an aspiration to give mental health parity of esteem with physical health, the Conservatives plan to open early support hubs for those aged 11-25 in every local community by the end of the decade. The party also wants to reintroduce the Tobacco and Vapes Bill (which did not pass before Parliament dissolved for the election), which would create the first ever smokefree generation and reduce the appeal and availability of vapes.

A future Conservative government would seek to tackle childhood and adult obesity including by restricting the advertising of products high in fat, salt and sugar, and would seek new evidence on the impact of ultra-processed foods. There would be a future consultation on introducing further parental controls over access to social media.

As announced last week, the Conservatives want to reinvent National Service to give young people life skills and build a stronger national culture. Young people would be given a choice between civic or military service, with the initial establishment of a Royal Commission to design the programme.


Sport and Society

If re-elected, the Conservatives plan to maintain the pace of investment in sports facilities through the continuation of the Multi-Sport Grassroots Facilities Programme. This would include a commitment to prioritise equal access for women and girls as part of the programme of investment.

Additional proposals within the manifesto include a commitment to support programmes that encourage disadvantaged children and young people to access green spaces, the designation of the country’s 11th national park and the delivery of existing commitments on national trails.

Finally, the party wants to work with Active Travel England to make it safer for people to walk and cycle, including by projects to deliver safe walking routes to schools and measures to protect pedestrians, cyclists and other vulnerable road users.


Published on 11 June 2024