Supporting Girls with Autism

Developed by the Youth Sport Trust Lead Inclusion School network, Supporting girls with Autism is a digital, audio and practical toolkit that builds upon knowledge of girls with autism spectrum conditions (ASC) and some of the key considerations for making PE and sport inclusive to all.

To effectively engage girls with Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC) in PE, physical activity and sport, we first need to understand their motivations, confidence and competence. This is so the experience can be designed to meet their needs. This toolkit illustrates practical examples and learnings by Youth Sport Trust Lead Inclusion Schools in a project specifically designed to support girls with ASC, that has been funded through the Sport England Education grant.

Get the toolkit


To guide you in using the toolkit the following webinar brings together educators from across England to share how they have engaged girls and how schools could approach a similar model for pupils in their own school.

Looking for more support?

For more information on SEND inclusion at Youth Sport Trust, please visit our programmes page.

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