Inclusion 2024

Inclusion 2024 is the umbrella term for the Youth Sport Trust delivery of an initiative that sits within the Department for Education SEND Inclusion in PE, School Sport and Physical Activity grant.

Inclusion 2024 Live

Our third Inclusion 2024 Live week took place between 29 January and 03 February 2024. Over 800 people registered for the free sessions with access to SEND inclusion content available for all practitioners.

The live virtual content was delivered by expert practitioners and young people which focused on best practice of the inclusion of young people with SEND in PE, school sport and physical activity. The aim of the week was to develop greater knowledge, competence, and confidence to provide meaningful and inclusive opportunities for young people with SEND.

All of the sessions were recorded and can now be re-watched by following the links below. You can also access some supporting follow up information from the sessions.

Sensory Circuits

This CPD session included a brief look at the theory behind Sensory Circuits, providing lots of practical, actionable examples of how to deliver it within your setting. This included how to set up a sensory circuit with and without equipment, including how to adapt to the cognitive and physical needs of Children and Young People.

Watch in full screen here

Download the slides here

Access Sensory Circuits Cheat Sheet here

Access some additional information on weighted blankets and lap pads here

Beyond the school gates... Sport, PE & Preparing for Adulthood through the eyes of 'Experts by experience'.

In this session we explored the impact of PE and sport on Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) and sustainable long-term outcomes for young people with additional needs. Learners with SEND often experience the most significant drop off in participation & fitness activity at key transition points such as primary to secondary, post 16 and into adulthood. As professionals, perhaps the biggest impact we can have is to connect learners and families with clubs and facilities in their community and help foster a love of sport and staying active beyond the school gates.

Watch in full screen here

Download the slides here

Youth Panel

Back by popular demand from last year we hosted a panel of young people who talked about their experience of school sport and physical activity. They shared their experience of what sport and physical activity means to them and how it has had a positive impact on their lives.

Members of the panel were:

Josh – Josh is 23 and lives with autism. Josh is passionate about physical activity and the benefit it brings not only to himself but to other young people in schools. He’s determined to one day become a coach himself.

Chelsea – Chelsea is 19 and on the goalball panel. She is a passionate and determined sports person playing her sport both with her family and teammates. 

Jacob – Jacob is 20 years old currently at university studying Sports Science at Nottingham Trent University. He plays goalball and is on the GB talent pathway. 

Matthew – Matthew is 21 and is a tennis player with a learning disability and dyspraxia. He is a passionate sports person and has just returned from the Special Olympics world games with a gold and bronze medal. Voted York Sport Young Disabled Person of the year in 2019 and 2022, Matthew is keen to share his experiences with others.

Balraj – Balraj is 23 and has lived with multiple sclerosis since he was 18. He is an enthusiastic and passionate advocate for disability and social impact causes. He is looking forward to building his public speaking career further and will share some amazing life experiences such as being President at Aston University. 

Watch in full screen here

Are You Listening? Strategies for Communicating Effectively with SEND Students

In this session - led by Occupational Therapist Faith Newton - you will:

  • Learn about the communication challenges that autistic and ADHD young people face at school. 
  • Explore some common differences between neurotypical and neurodivergent communication. 
  • Take away practical strategies to make your communication more effective and more inclusive. 

Watch in full screen here

Download the slides here

Inclusion 2024 Impact

Hear from our external researchers on the impact Inclusion 2024 has had so far, listen to stories from practitioners that have been involved in programmes and have the opportunity to listen to questions asked to the session hosts.

This session was led by Amy Skipp from ASK research.

Watch in full screen here

Download the slides here

Looking for more support?

For more information on SEND inclusion at Youth Sport Trust, please visit our programmes page.

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