World Health Organisation report on Physical Activity 2000-2022 – more MOVING PEOPLE a must!

Levels of physical activity declined between 2000 and 2022.  Across the world that means 900 million people became insufficiently physically active during that time period.

Youth Sport Trust International will continue to work tirelessly with partners to reverse this trend.

Current projects include:

Moving School Challenger (MSC)

Led by Deporte Para La Educacion Y La Salud in Spain, Moving Schools Challenger aims to encourage year-round participation by schools in a range of monthly physical activity and sporting challenges.

Generations uniting through Movement (GUM)

Led by the International Sport and Culture Association, GUM is an intergenerational project building on the pilot work undertaken in the UK through the Active Ages programme.  It brings together both young and old people for weekly activity sessions aiming to forge relationships and increase physical activity.

Nike Coach Development

Youth Sport Trust International continues to work with the Nike Social and Community Impact EMEA team to support the development of Coach Educators across 6 cities in Europe plus South Africa to improve the quality of coaching through Positive Play and Body Confident Sport.

Jaawan Champions Programme, Pakistan

Since 2016, Youth Sport Trust International has partnered with the Rangoonwala Foundation to support the delivery of Jaawan Champions, a physical education and sport programme, in schools across, Karachi, Pakistan.

Beckwith International Leadership Development (BILD) Malawi

Designed and funded by Youth Sport Trust International, the BILD Malawi programme is being launched in Lilongwe this year in partnership with Bhubesi Pride Foundation and aims to enhance the life chances of young people by developing their leadership skills through sport.

For more information about the work of Youth Sport Trust International please contact [email protected].

Click here to read the World Health Organisation article in full Nearly 1.8 billion adults at risk of disease from not doing enough physical activity (

31% of adults are not active enough infographic

Source reference: Lancet Global Heath 2024, World Health Organization. Published by Elsevier Ltd.