Leadership, Coaching and Volunteering Lead School Newsletter

September 2021


Welcome back.

I hope that your summers have been restful and provided you with an opportunity to have a well-earned break. I also hope your return has been a positive one. For some I’m sure it’s starting to feel somewhat ‘normal’ whereas I’m sure others might still have measures in place, meaning we’re not quite there yet. I’m looking forward to connecting with you all in the coming weeks – in person!!

Please see below a variety of actions and updates. Please read all aspects carefully and complete any actions promptly. I’m looking forward to what I’m certain will be a really exciting year for us as an LCV Network.  


National Lead School Networking - Booking

This autumn we are seeing the return of face to face connect opportunities. To support with travel and managing numbers, we will be running these events as three regionals. Please find the details of these below. It is a requirement of LCV leads to attend one of these events. If you have any concerns about attending face to face, please contact Martin Baradell as soon as possible.

  • 28 September – Harlequins, Twickenham Stoop Stadium, London - Book here
  • 05 October - Emerald Headingly Stadium, Leeds - Book here
  • 07 October – Sixways Stadium, Worcestershire - Book here

Please use the links above to book.

You can find the conference agenda here. Please note that the agenda states the day will run from 09:00-17:00. Lead Schools will only be required from 09:00-14:00 after which you are able to depart.


Longstanding Lead Schools will know that previously a requirement as an LCV is that you hold YST Membership. In July of this year, the new membership offer was launched. There are some exciting new opportunities which, if you hold membership, we encourage you to make use of. If you’d like to discuss our membership offer, please do get in touch. It is, however, no longer a compulsory requirement of the LCV role to hold YST Membership. Find out more here. 

Programme Delivery – How do I select?

In line with the Core Programme Offer for LCV Schools in 2021/22, certain aspects will be a requirement for all. You will however have a choice of which intervention you would like to deliver. This is designed to allow you to ensure activity meets the greatest need across your local area. Your Leadership & Volunteering Insight Surveys should support your decision. If these have not been completed, I would strongly encourage you to work with your schools to complete these during the autumn term. You will be selecting between Boys Move, Girls as Coaches and Activators and Inclusive Leadership. Please note that Boys Move is capped at 25 Schools.

You must identify one intervention. You can choose to be involved in more than one where you will be provided with materials and support, but you will not receive any additional funding at this point. Within the Teams channel, you will find a spreadsheet to make your selection. Please ensure you have completed this by Monday 27 September. If for any reason you are unable to access the Teams channel, please confirm by email to Martin.

During the conferences there will be opportunity to delve deeper into your selected intervention. Should for any reason this need to change, this will be possible should there be space to do so.


New content – Teams Channel

You’ll note that there have been some content changes on the LCV School Channel. In line with the new YST branding, all the resources have had a makeover! Please ensure that you download and use the updated resources. Our logo and branding have changed so ensure you are using the latest versions. You’ll also find the new Lead School Logo dropped within the files which you are most welcome to use on your materials.

Informal Connects

Based on the success of last year’s sessions we will have further informal connect sessions taking place throughout this year. You’ll find below dates and times for the first two sessions, with a third confirmed at a later point. They aren’t compulsory but offer a great opportunity to share practice, so please pop them into your diary.

  • 07 December – 15:30-16:30
  • 10 February – 15:30-16:30

Insight Community

Between September and March, a key feature of the LCV role will be connected to our insight community. Once a month on set dates you will be required to complete a set of questions linked to your role as an LCV and your perspective on leadership across your county. This isn’t a test, it’s an information gathering exercise to inform the direction of travel. There is no right or wrong! You’ll receive an email in due course with all the information you need to take part. It is a requirement of the funding, so failure to complete will result in payments being withheld. We will also unpick the topics involved during the networking events.

Practitioner Development Programme – recruitment of PE ‘experts’

You will find here information regarding a new element of the YST membership offer: the Practitioner Development Programme. We believe the success of the programme will be built on having current PE teachers/leads working alongside YST experts to create and deliver the content. Therefore, if you have good practice to share on any of the topics listed within the document, as well as being interested in supporting colleagues to further improve their practice, we would like to speak to you.

Each PE teacher/lead will receive the following benefits for their involvement:

  • A payment of £250 per topic (to be invested in own school PE, school sport and physical activity offer)
  • Profile for school
  • Opportunity to help others in the sector improve their practice
  • Networking with other colleagues 
  • Be at the heart of YST membership support
  • Opportunity to work alongside YST experts

Three of these sessions will have a particular focus on leadership, including topics around the framework, deployment of young people and pupil voice, for example. I know lots of you wear many hats, and you’ll see that teachers are referenced specifically within the document. You can still express an interest if you feel you’d like to be involved even if not teaching directly. The opportunity is open to any role so I would encourage you to put yourself forward. Please send me an email if you’d like to know more.

Nominations Open for UK Coaching Awards

Nominations for the 24th UK Coaching Awards are now open and you have until Monday 13 September to get your entries in. Hosted by UK Coaching, the awards showcase the diverse work of coaches from all walks of life, helping people improve their wellbeing and activity levels.

For more information and to nominate click here.

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